Sample Contract
Before you submit anything to us, please read and understand the sample contract and what is expected of you, and what you have to do to receive your royalties, should your story be accepted. Also, please be aware that your contract may differ (probably will) from the sample contract, so read your contract carefully before signing.
We put all the information here for you to see, before you submit, so that you know what to expect. If you do not agree with what is expected of you, please do not waste your time, or ours, by submitting a story.
If you do not agree with something in the contract and feel it is something unreasonable or doesn’t make sense, of if you just don’t understand something, please feel free to contact us to discuss it BEFORE you submit a story. We are not interested in contract negotiations for any particular story, but we are interested in having a fair contract that benefits everyone involved.
**A side note from your friend Sam Knight, because he insisted we put this here:
Make sure you read and understand ANY contract you get from ANYONE! Get a disinterested third party to explain anything you do not understand. Do not trust anyone who can possibly benefit from a contract to explain it to you. Not even us.
While we have every intention of being upfront and honest, if you don’t understand something, you should ALWAYS get the opinion of a disinterested 3rd party.
After that, make sure you are happy with what you understand BEFORE signing anything!
All contracts are negotiable, it is just a matter of whether or not someone wants to negotiate. Strong-arm tactics, like you have to sign now or the deal is off, is not negotiation.
If they treat you like that now, how do you expect they will they treat you in the future?
Remember, you never HAVE TO sign a contract.
If someone tells you that you HAVE TO sign a contract, it is time for you to walk away or get a lawyer or both.
If you do not understand something in a contract——any contract, not just ours——do not sign it until you understand it.