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Decked Halls

Particular Passages: Decked Halls

There is a special time of year.

A time when everyone celebrates.

There are many things celebrated:

Life, love, family, selflessness, and more.

Come with us as we explore that time,

That time of fun, food, gifts, laughter,


And Decked Halls.

Edited by Sam Knight

With stories by:

Arlen Feldman, Josh Morrey, Katie Kent, Donea Lee Weaver, Emily Martha Sorensen, Shannon Fox, Kay Hanifen, Tony Covatta, Julia LaFond, Dawn Colclasure, Mary Jo Rabe, Steve Ruskin, Yvonne Lang, Ronnie Seagren, Gretchen A Keefer, James Rogers, Fran Scannell, Richard Pulfer, Eve Morton, H.T. Ashmead

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