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Magic Portals

Submissions to Magic Portals Now Closed

Most people will never see one.

Most will never even hear of one.

Those few who do usually only get one chance to go through.

Dare you step through?

Submission dates December 1, 2021 to February 1, 2022

We want stories about magic portals that open up to other places, other worlds, other times, or just other. Where to, and what happens there is up to you.

For this anthology, please no extreme horror or sex. Please keep content and language limited to the equivalent of a “PG-13” rated movie. We want to be able to share this with our mothers and children.

There are no genre restrictions on this anthology, however the main premise of magic portals heavily implies fantastic/magical elements. Please keep this in mind if your story does not contain those elements. It will be up to the editors to decide if a non-magical portal fits the theme well enough.

Please make sure you read and follow all submission guidelines and look over the sample contract before you submit. In the text of your query letter, please include confirmation that you understand we are using Draft2Digital and that you must have an account there in order to receive royalties for your story.

Submit stories to:

with the subject heading:

Magic Portals Submission—(story title) by (author pen name)

While rejections may be sent out prior to the deadline date, acceptances will not be determined until after the close of submissions.

Word count maximum (firm) of 7,000 words. Anything under 2,000 words will be considered flash fiction.

Rights asked for: worldwide, nonexclusive, English Language publication rights, for both print and electronic, for as long as the anthology remains in print.

Payment: royalty sharing. 

Reprints, poetry, flash fiction, and B&W art are welcome and will be paid at 1/2 rate of original stories. Please disclose in your cover letter if your story is a reprint at the time of submission.

Multiple and simultaneous submissions are acceptable. Please be aware that while we may not mind publishing your story at the same time someone else does, other publishers may not feel the same way, and you should keep them informed of the multiple submissions status of your story.

Report your response times at Duotrope