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Magic Portals have opened! Dare you step through?

Most people will never see one.
Most will never even hear of one.
Those few who do usually only get one chance to go through.
Dare you step through?

17 stories of OTHER places and the people who went there.

We’ve all dreamed of going someplace far, far away.
Someplace magical.
Here are seventeen tales of magical adventures to take you to those far away places.

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A Billion Specks of Light by James Rumpel
Manna by Edward J. Knight
Breach by Robinne Weiss
Sticky Fingers by Aaron Haden
The Asylum Wall by Carol Hightshoe
The Sea Cave by Jodi Rizzotto
Samhain Night by Brenda Carre
The Wild Hunt by Carolyn Kay
The Open Road by Claire Davon
Witness for the Prosecution? by Lucinda Gunnin
Hold The Mayo by Diane Arrelle
Find What’s Lost by Dana Bell
The Cartomancer by Tim Newton Anderson
Angels and Apnea by David Boop
Mists of Time by Robinne Weiss
Deep Cleaning by Edward J. Knight
Doors Out of the Dark by Ken Hoover

and edited by Sam Knight