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Particular Passages 2

Submissions to Particular Passages 2 Now Closed

We are excited to say we received three times the submissions we expected! This is great news for the anthology, but it also means we may be delayed in responding to submissions as we go through them. If you submitted to us and do not hear back from us by the end of January, 2022, please contact us and let us know. If we make it through all of the submissions sooner than that, we will post it here and on our social media. If at that time you think you should have heard from us but have not, please reach out to us.

Down another forgotten hallway lie more unexplored rooms.

Each room contains another world waiting to be discovered.

Some are wonderful and beautiful, others are dark and terrible.

You won’t know which until you step inside.

So take a deep breath and open the door…

Submissions are now open for Particular Passages 2. Submission deadline is January 1st, 2022. If we receive enough stories that we feel are up to snuff, we may begin working on Particular Passages 3!

The Particular Passages anthologies are for stories that really need a home, but maybe don’t quite fit in anywhere else. Or maybe they do. That’s up to you. Either way, they can find a home here.

We understand the “theme” of this anthology is a bit vague. We’re looking for “trunk stories” that shouldn’t have ended up in the trunk. The theme is: you just don’t know what’s behind that door until you open it. Think of it as an author showcase. We want authors to be able to put out things that they really knew should be out there but were unable to place.

For this anthology, please no extreme horror or sex. Please keep content and language limited to the equivalent of a “PG-13” rated movie. We want to be able to share this with our mothers and children. There are no genre restrictions on this anthology.

Please remember, Knight Writing Press will not accept a story that glorifies, supports, encourages, or gratuitously includes hate, hate crimes, rape, sex, sex crimes, or any other forms of inhumanity. 

Please make sure you read and follow all submission guidelines and look over the sample contract before you submit. In the text of your query letter, please include confirmation that you understand we are using Draft2Digital and that you must have an account there in order to receive royalties for your story.

Submit stories to:

with the subject heading:

Particular Passages 2 Submission—(story title) by (author pen name). 

Word count maximum (firm) of 7,000 words. Anything under 2,000 words will be considered flash fiction.

Rights asked for: worldwide, nonexclusive, English Language publication rights, for both print and electronic, for as long as the anthology remains in print.

Payment: royalty sharing. 

Reprints and flash fiction welcome and will be paid at 1/2 rate of original stories. Please disclose in your cover letter if your story is a reprint at the time of submission.

If your story is accepted, we will want an author bio from you that showcases what you’ve done and directs readers to your website. If have personal art (that you have the rights to allow us to publish) that you would like to include with your story, we would love to use it, but cannot at this time offer any additional compensation for it. (If you have never been published before, do not let this deter you. Bio’s do not have to be about publications. If you need, we can help you figure out a bio to include in the anthology!)

Multiple and simultaneous submissions are acceptable, however only one story (if multiple are submitted) will be accepted per author. Please be aware that while we may not mind publishing your story at the same time someone else does, other publishers may not feel the same way, and you should keep them informed of the multiple submissions status of your story.

Report your response times at Duotrope