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Particular Passages: Closed For The Season Submission Guidelines

Submissions to Particular Passages: Closed For The Season Are Now Closed

The winter can be long, cold, and hard. Even the holidays can be terrible. Send us your stories of long winter nights, pale winter suns, and people with cold hands and colder hearts.

Submissions open now until March 1st, 2023. Anthology expected to be published in or around January, 2024.

**If you don’t have the patience to wait a year for your story to be published, DON’T SUBMIT.**

**If you are not willing to obtain a Draft2Digital account in order to receive royalty shares as payment, then DON’T SUBMIT.**

For this anthology, please no extreme horror or graphic sex. Though we want dark stories and even horror,  we are not interested in the extremes of the genre. 

Please keep content and language limited to the equivalent of a “PG-13” rated movie.

There are no genre restrictions on this anthology, as long as the story fits the theme.

Please remember, Knight Writing Press will not accept a story that glorifies, supports, encourages, or gratuitously includes hate, hate crimes, rape, sex, sex crimes, or any other forms of inhumanity.

Please make sure you read and follow all submission guidelines and look over the sample contract before you submit. The sample contract will not exactly match what you will receive, should your story be accepted, but it will give you a good idea of what to expect.

In the text of your query letter, include confirmation that you understand we are using Draft2Digital and that you must have an account there in order to receive royalties for your story. Failure to do this may result in an immediate rejection for failing to follow submission guidelines.

No reprints. (The reason for this is explained on the Upcoming and Open Submissions page.)

Submit stories to:

with the subject heading:

Closed For The Season—(your story title) by (your author pen name)

Please fill in your story title and author pen name. That joke was old the first time we saw it.

Word count maximum (firm) of 7,000 words. Anything under 2,000 words will be considered flash fiction. Flash fiction is welcome and will be paid at 1/2 rate of original stories.

Please attach your story as a .doc, .docx, or .rtf file in standard manuscript format and follow all submission guidelines.

Rights asked for:

Exclusive rights, but only until such time as the anthology is published (the reason for this is explained on the Upcoming and Open Submissions page),  and then worldwide, English Language publication rights, for both print and electronic, for as long as the anthology remains in publication.

Payment: Royalty sharing through Draft2 Digital’s royalty sharing program. If you are not willing to obtain a Draft2Digital account in order to receive royalty shares as payment, then DON’T SUBMIT. Flash fiction is welcome and will be paid at 1/2 rate of original stories.

If your story is accepted, we will want an author bio from you that showcases what you’ve done and directs readers to your website. (If you have never been published before, do not let this deter you. Bios do not have to be about publications. If you need, we can help you figure out a bio to include in the anthology!)

Multiple submissions are acceptable, however only one story (if multiple are submitted) will be accepted per author (in this anthology).

Please be aware that this submission will be open until March 1st and any response for your submission, acceptance or rejection, may not be forthcoming until as late as July 2023. If you are not okay with that waiting period, please don’t submit.